full moon at greek sky



Influenced by Ancient Greece that has invariably been connected with the mystical moon. From the ancient lunar calendar to incredible stories from Greek mythology, “Selene” has been the most celebrated “moon myth”.
Selene after all, is one more Greek word for the moon. She was a Titan goddess, traversing the night sky on her silver
chariot, the lunar. When Zeus, put the love of her life into a never-ending stage of sleep, Selene paid nightly visits to him, watching him in his sleep, the most beautiful man she had ever set eyes on.

Even the Olympic games and their 4 years marking period, is connected to the goddess Selene as well as many festivities
including singing, dancing, musical performances, rituals, poetry reading, gatherings abundant with food and wine were held under the light of the moon at almost every sacred site, all over Greece.

At F Zeen, committed to the values and virtues of the Good Life, we decided to dedicate May 2022,
to the moon and celebrate Selene.
We have so many reasons to devote the first full month of our 2022 season to Selene, as May’s springtime moon gave us plenty.

Cresting on May 16th with a full moon and lunar eclipse, May’s moon is summiting at the constellation of Scorpio
for the first time in 9 years.
It is from there that Selene is forcing us to focus inwards, addressing our emotions concerning the deeper things in our life
and our metaphysical growth. May’s moon is about releasing and letting go of the old.

A moon with a sustainable nickname:

According to Farmer’s Almanac, the Flower Moon is a traditional nickname given to full moons that take place within May.
This floral moniker hails from the fact that May marks the height of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, during which time earth is reborn. Other nicknames given for this lunation are Budding Moon or the Planting Moon, all refer to Spring’s natural energy. Fitting the spiritual meaning of May’s full moon as the lunar eclipse buds a transformative growth.

Being also in Taurus until May 20th, the season is asking us to focus on pampering and taking care of ourselves. Use this month and the first warmness as we are moving towards summertime, to stop running for a moment and recharge.
Do what makes us happy.

This May at F Zeen we are purging away anything we need to leave behind inspired by the Flower Moon.
We re-connect with the deepest meaning of the Good Life:
Transform & Bloom through selected rituals, like the flowers of spring.

With the full moon marking the illuminated midpoint of the monthly lunar cycle on the 16th we have created a holistic day
of F Zeen revelations to celebrate this special occasion, The Full Moon Rituals.

Rituals of yoga, sound therapy, fitness, spa & wellness, have been especially curated to ease our emotional tides, clear our mind and rejuvenate our soul.

At Selīni, our restaurant named after the ancient Greek goddess, we invite you on May 16th for a dinner experience with a special menu, alongside the spiritual practices of the day to holistically conclude our gratitude to this season.

Enjoy the Good Life at F Zeen.

Thursday, May 12th, 2022


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